What Does Error Mean? How To Fix It?

Robert Anderson

Sometimes when you are working on your computer, you encounter cryptic codes like Understanding the meaning of these cryptic codes and the reason they are showing on your computer screen can be daunting, especially if you are a layman.

However, with just a little knowledge and guidance, you can easily decipher the meaning of these codes and even resolve them.

If you are currently dealing with the error on your PC, you have come to the right place. In this guide, we will not only tell you what it means but also provide solutions to fix it.

What Is

This address, known as the localhost or loopback, refers to the server on the machine you are working from. It’s a special IP address that helps you connect to your computer, especially when you don’t know your local machine’s IP address.

IP addresses can include additional numbers that might seem confusing to developers. These numbers represent ports, which are gateways in a computer that handle different types of communication by sending and receiving data. For example, in the address “”, 62893 denotes the specific port used for communication.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • This is known as “localhost,” a special IP address that refers back to your computer, like talking to yourself internally.
  • 62893: This number represents a port, which serves as a gateway for applications to exchange data. Port 62893 is less commonly used but is occasionally associated with Memcached, a caching system.

Benefits Of

Just so you know this particular code serves critical functions in several areas. Some of the primary benefits of this code include the following:

  • Development and Testing

It is used by programmers to test applications securely within their computer environment. It helps ensure that bugs are resolved before deployment.

  • Debugging

Localhost helps identify and resolve network-related issues and thus, streamlining the debugging process.

  • Networking

It helps understand TCP/IP concepts and client-server communication and is facilitated through local host usage.

  • Security

It is used for monitoring port activity to detect suspicious attempts made to access your system. In other words, it helps enhance the overall security.

  • Isolated Environment

It provides a controlled space for testing and development. Not to mention, it also reduces conflicts with other applications.

How Works?

Now let us understand how the address works. This will help you better understand its role.

  • An app on your device initiates communication with another process.
  • It designates “localhost” ( as the destination to interact with a component on the same machine.
  • The port number (62893) specifies to the OS the particular program or service to direct the communication towards.

For example, it can be used by a development tool to connect to a local server operating on your PC and facilitate debugging activities.

How Does The Loopback Work as A Localhost?

Messages in a PC are managed by application software, IP/TCP. This particular software treats with port 62893 as a special IP address for monitoring message transmission and reception. The loopback function redirects messages intended for the same PC to its IP/TCP stack, enabling internal communication.

Uses of Localhost:

Your localhost/IP address serves several purposes, including the following:

  • It helps confirm whether the network stack functions correctly on a specific device.
  • Incoming messages are handled and queued as if they came from external servers, even though they are delivered directly via
  • It enables accurate response time measurement and faster program development by avoiding reliance on internet speeds and external servers.
  • You can access services running on your local machine by pinging the local host, regardless of network connectivity.
  • By filtering out messages containing other loopback addresses, it enhances security against unauthorized access attempts.
  • Localhost provides a secure space for experimenting with new software features without the risk of loss of data or external corruption.
  • Developers use localhost to test software functionality before deploying it live. It helps them to ensure reliability and stability.
  • Using localhost allows software developers to develop and test applications while maintaining control and security over their environment.

How to Find Your Computer’s IP Address?

Finding your computer’s IP address can be easy if you are familiar with the right approach. The steps will vary depending on the OS you are using. To help you out, we have provided the details in the below lines.

For Windows Users:

  • Open the Start menu.
  • Enter “CMD” to launch the Command Prompt.
  • Enter ipconfig to display your IP address.

For Linux Users:

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + T at the same time. This will open the terminal.
  • Enter ipconfig and hit the Enter button to get your IP address.
  • Copy and paste the IP address into your browser’s address bar.

This will send a request to your computer’s web server and display Apache’s default web page. You can now access your localhost (server) and any locally created web pages.

In case, the page doesn’t appear, it means the Apache server is not running on your PC. If this happens, you should repeat the steps. Also, make sure that you are connected to the internet.

Is It Safe To Make Port 62893 Public?

Well, exposing port 62893 publicly is not considered to be face due to several reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Security Vulnerabilities

Attackers can exploit Memcached, especially if it has vulnerabilities. If this happens, they can be successful at breaching your system’s security.

  • Risk of Unauthorized Access

Making port 62893 accessible over the internet increases the likelihood of unauthorized users attempting to connect to your Memcached server. This is a major security concern that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks

Hackers may launch DoS attacks targeting port 62893 and flooding your system with traffic to crash it.

Common Causes Of Error

Errors related to port 62893 can stem from various sources within network setups and applications. Some of the major reasons could be the following:

Port Conflicts

If multiple applications or services on your computer try to use port 62893 at the same time, they can clash and cause problems. This often happens in places like development environments where many services are running together. If this happens check which processes are using which ports and make sure each one has its unique port number.

Firewall and Security Software

Firewalls and security software can sometimes block traffic to port 62893. While they are meant to protect your computer, they can also accidentally stop the right connections from happening.

In this case, you should try to adjust your firewall settings so they allow traffic through port 62893 based on your security rules. Also, make sure your security software doesn’t interfere with necessary network connections.

Network Problems:

Issues with the network’s internal setup, specifically the loopback adapter (, can also cause trouble. This adapter is crucial for certain types of local communication. To keep things running smoothly ensure the loopback interface is correctly set up and active. Also, avoid disabling or changing it, as this could disrupt local networking.

Server Issues

Servers can also be a source of problems if they are not set up or running correctly. This might happen if services aren’t configured properly or crash unexpectedly. It can also result from server overloading, and failing to handle requests.

Bugs in Applications

Sometimes, errors occur because of bugs in the software trying to use port 62893. This can happen due to coding mistakes, incomplete parts of the program, or compatibility issues with other software.

To fix these issues, you should try to fix the coding errors in the application. Or update the application with the latest fixes and improvements.

Resolving “Disconnected From The Target VM, Address:” Error

When using development tools like VS Code, you might encounter this error message. It indicates that the debugger couldn’t connect to the target machine at port 62893. You can resolve this issue by following these troubleshooting tips.

  • Check Service Status

Make sure that the service or application you are trying to use is running properly.

  • Firewall Configuration

Check if your firewall settings allow access to port 62893 for local connections.

  • Verify Port Configuration

You must also double-check if the application settings match the specified port number (62893).

Fixing The Error

Follow these steps to resolve the error:

Step 1: Start the Service

In case, the service is not running, use appropriate scripts or commands to start it.

Step 2: Change Port Configuration

You need to resolve the port conflicts by configuring the application to use a different port.

On a Windows PC, access the Control Panel and then select System. Go to the Security section and choose Windows Defender Firewall, followed by Advanced Settings. Select Inbound Rules and create a new rule to allow traffic on port 62893.

For Mac/Linux, you can use terminal commands such as iptables to adjust firewall settings.

Step 3: Application-Specific Settings

Access the application’s documentation for configuration requirements.

Step 4: Network Diagnostic Tools

Take the help of tools like lsof (Unix/Linux) or netstat (Windows) to identify if an app is already using port 62893.

If nothing helps, refer to the software documentation. Alternatively, you can seek assistance from a software agency or developer.

Final Words is a key part of development and networking. It stands for your computer, while the part of the code “62893” indicates a specific entry point for a particular service on your computer. This setup is crucial for tasks like security checks, testing, fixing issues, and creating a safe environment for your work. By understanding the way it works, you can use your computer more effectively and securely.